My Travel blog

Tips, Trips, and Stories From My Worldly Travels

Buddha Say No

If you have ever had the privilege of visiting a toilet with a freshly slaughtered goat head accessory then you may think you have seen it all. That’s what I thought until I visited a reputable sushi restaurant in one of Joburg‘s swankiest malls, Hyde Park Corner. I...

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Robots are dead to me

Jozi is the city of gold, people come from all over to make and lose their fortunes. The city is built for prosperity, dog eat dog, the only way to make it is to move quicker and hit harder. It seems walking is frowned upon, you are best to operate from a 4 wheeled...

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The modern African

Rwanda is a place that forces you to look at yourself critically. What does it mean to be a modern African, how do you marry tradition with the here and now and what am I doing for my mother land. Rwanda made me want to be a better person, to be part of the change, to...

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What is culture exactly?

What is culture exactly? Culture is deep, has long tendrils and it makes us who we are. African culture, is not about doing what we have always done because some long gone elders told you it is our culture. Culture is not static, it is up to all of us to challenge it...

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Seeing clearly

Everyone has their own story; Rwanda has hers except it is a very complicated one. Looking in, it is easy to pass judgment. I am guilty of this; I had my preconceptions; this is a flaw of mine. I stand corrected on several levels. Rwanda is not fine, it is a nation...

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Kigali Blues

Kigali is all lovely and green, the grass is neatly trimmed and trees well manicured. It is ordered and super clean. The immigration officials are pleasant yet efficient, the taxi drivers gentle and honest, the people agreeable. It is a green and pleasant land yet I...

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Thank you my Ethiopia

It is impossible to experience Ethiopia without being moved. My senses have been assaulted from every direction. I have been surprised by its magical landscapes, humbled by the kindness of its people, uplifted by their unwavering faith and how it shapes everyday...

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Silent Histories

To see Ethiopia is a privilege and a fast track lesson in the history of humanity and  the world. Do you know about the Axumite Empire; well it turns out not many people do. I will do my best to explain, this is all new to me. So the Axumites were at their peak...

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Lust in Translation

You like African massage? I thought I had misunderstood, but no, my tuk tuk driver was asking if I wanted an African massage, he repeated it several times. I didn’t quite know what to say. It had come out of the blue, one minute we are laughing, the next he is...

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Not today Benito

Ethiopia is the only African country not to have been colonised. They wear this badge with pride and are admired across the world for holding their own. I have heard elaborate stories of how they humiliated the Italians at the battle of Adwa in 1896. Apparently the...

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Danakil negotiations

I arrived at Mekele airport with my small backpack and excitement in my belly. I was headed to the Afar region were Dallol and Erta Ale are located. But first I needed to go and negotiate with the mafioso travel agents who call the shots in this town. I had intel from...

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Do talk to strangers

I consider myself to be relatively kind, I would help if someone was in need and I occasionally smile at tourists. Like the next person, I am time poor so would definitely not clear a whole day to help out some blow in from out of town. Not so for Sisai, who I was...

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So you think you can dance

I am not a shabby dancer and after a few beverages I am pretty awesome. And so I thought until I stumbled upon the Street Academy! I say stumbled upon, it really was my new Accra buddy who took me there. I watched the dancers doing their thing and I was entranced....

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Ghana, I must go

I depart Ghana with a heavy heart. It has been a whirlwind. I have never met a more cohesive people. They are proud Africans and have managed to preserve their culture whilst still being outward looking. They have taken the rough with the smooth, it’s chaotic in...

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I love you long time

Samson is young, fit and has a swagger. He has a killer smile and he ain’t afraid to use it. As I walked on the golden sands of Ampinyi beach, this fine specimen greeted me with great confidence, I got the feeling he was well practiced and I was well prepared for the...

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Wat is wrong wit you? Eh eh…

So I think pidgin English should be on the school curriculum. I love the way it is animated and quick. Those fluent in this bastardised version of English use it well well. I think on this important matter the Pan Africanist advocates would agree with me. Why wouldn’t...

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Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

Oh, so you are in Ghana on holiday? Actually, it’s not a holiday, I am travelling. OK, no one comes to Ghana on holiday; it’s not like Rome. We have museums and a lot of culture in Rome; perhaps too much. This was a conversation I had with a very charming Italian...

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